One Piece: Ship of fools Wiki

The Nightmare of a Daydreamer[]

“Edelle! Edelle!” A voice cried out, through a long misty field as Edelle Newgate lying at one end. She seemed to be looking for something, hearing the voice she got up and turned looking around. But seeing now more than mist, “Edelle! Edelle!” the voice started to get closer and the echoing louder, his footsteps shaking the ground as he walked.

Edelle seemed scared in the back of her mind; she had heard this voice before. “Is…..that you…….Whitebeard?” Edelle asked and the mist finally cleared, as Whitebeard was seen standing over her. His shadow covering her, looking up at him with a shocked faced. Her father had returned to her, she was like a child again. Running up to whitebeard and hugging his leg. “Father…….I missed you! I thought you were killed at the Marineford?” Edelle asked as she embraced Whitebeard. “No, I escaped with the rest of the crew.” Whitebeard said, as the two in the field as edelle and whitebeard looked to be going at the speed of light. Then a big flash, The Moby Dick. Dancing, singing and a big party was going on. Marco, Vista and some of the division commanders drinking and talking about their victory.

Edelle confused looked around, seeing Whitebeard sitting on his throne still with the tubes in his body. “Sons! We did it; we saved your brother Ace!” Whitebeard proclaimed as he raised his glass and the crew followed. “.....” Edelle, stood there her eyes wide open and mouth dropped. “Edelle?” A friendly voice came from behind her, she turned and it was Izo. As he rested his hand on Edelle’s shoulder, she jumped and quickly spun around. It was a say of relief to see that it was Izo, with a cup of rum in his hand and another one in his other hand. He handed a cup to Edelle, as he raised his glass. “We did Edelle, we saved Ace.” Raising his glass and then drank, Edelle still conf used just took a drink and she began to get into the spirit.

“We did it!” She shouted, as she just joined in. As she talked to most of the division commanders she found out what happened, they are celebrating the Hero of the day. Edelle, who jumped onto the platform and grabbed ace rushing through thousands of Marines. “I...I…..didn’t do that!” She questioned the others; she wasn’t even there for the Marineford event. This whole thing was confusing to Edelle, she backed up with her hands on her head. Has she finally snapped? Is she dreaming? As she backed up, she ran into a shirtless man with a strange tattoo on his right arm. “Huh?” He turned around and saw it was Edelle, it was Ace himself. “Ace.....Ace it is you?” She spoke in shock, as he warped his arms around her. “Thank you Edelle, you saved my life and now I owe you, my life for it.” Ace spoke softly, as Edelle pushed him away and shouted.

“I did save anyone! I wasn’t there!”Putting her hands over her ears, as the crew began to circle her. Cheering for Edelle, “Great job! You are the hero of us all! You saved our brother!” Said voices, as they began to get closer and closer. She got on her knees shouting “NO, STAY BACK! I DIDN’T SAVE ACE!” she shouted, as the crew stopped they turned to just black figures with their eyes glowing red. “W…..what is this?”

“You left us Edelle! Why did you know, we could have won if you were there! Pops and Ace would have lived. Where were you?” The figures shouted out, as she tried to push them away but no use. “You should have been there for us? We needed you. You had failed pops and ace, you let them die. You could have helped us save them. No, she was too busy searching for Blackbeard! She had failed us and for getting pops and ace killed. WE WILL TAKE YOUR LIFE!” The shadows said as they drew swords and their pistols, becoming themselves again. Izo, Marco, Vista and the rest of the crew back to color, focused all of their weapons on Edelle. As they were ready to kill her, “Ahhh!” Izo shouted , as strange tentacles went through his body, coming out of the front. He dropped his pistols and fell to the ground. As the rest of the crew looked, they turned to look at the new enemy. “Come unto god and I shall grant you all peace!” This shadowy figure shouted, as more tentacles came out of the shadows and stabbed into the crew.

Dropping one by one, Vista, Izo, and then Marco. Dropping right in front of Edelle, she in shock at just what this man did. He began to step forward; he looked more of a demon than a man. He was floating in the air carrying the head of both Whitebeard and Ace. His voice echoed saying “Edelle, your own brothers and sisters had turned on you. Because you had not saved these two (holding up the heads) then they turned on you? Are these what you call a Nakama? They were ready to kill you, for now Edelle. You have been chosen by God and the heavens, to have a chance for salvation. So now do what is it you say unto me?” This figure asked? Edelle however was angry at what they figure said and she quickly rushed at it. Jumping into the air and prepared to punch the figure, however it seemed to have turned into a puff of black smoke. Then reforming being her, “You can’t hurt god, but god can hurt you!” The figure said as his tentacles went into Edelle’s body, she could barely breath. Coughing and gasping for air, she started to slowly pass out. The last sight she seen was Whitebeard and the rest of the crew, fading away into the shadows and the last thing she heard was “hahahaha”.

“Ahhhhh!” Edelle awoke in a cold sweat and arose from her bed, looking out her portside window. To see the calm blue waters, as the moon reflected off the water and seeing the wave’s moves. “What did that dream mean?” She asked herself as she tried to go back to sleep, but sadly couldn’t find her rest. The next morning, a knocking was heard on her door. “Edelle are you up? We made port. Are you ready to go yet?” A voice from the other side of the door, Morimura opened the door. A warm smile on his face, as he looked over at Edelle. “Yeah……just give me a few minutes Mori. I will be ready.” She said, getting out of her bed. The putting her jacket over her shoulders and her boots on, going with Morimura.

Just Another Day For the Newgate Crew[]

Walking down the hallway, then through another door onto the deck of their ship. “Hey are you two ready yet? God, I never knew a women like you would take so long to get ready.” A voice from the dock yelled out, clearly annoyed and a bit angry. Standing with his arm crossed and a series look on his face, was Hawk D. Andy. “You just have to put on pants. Going around shirtless all day might have its advantages.”Edelle said with a sour face, getting off the ramp from ship to the dock, Morimura following behind her. “Was too busy getting drunk again?” Andy asked Edelle, with her messed up and drool on the side of her mouth. “No!” Edelle yelled, as she pushed her down and put her black bandanna on to help cover her hair problem. She wiped it off and began to walk into the port town, it was busy today. With every kind of merchant, from fish to other foods and shouting. “Best fish in town. Best rice around.” They shouted as, as the three walked around looking. As Edelle checked her pockets and they only had 20 belis left. “Uh oh….” She said, as Andy and Morimura looked at her. Andy’s eyebrows raised and asked “Something wrong Edelle?” “Were low on money.” She said just saying, as fast as she could. “Of Course we are.” Andy’s starting to lose his patients with her, taking the rest of the money and putting in his pocket. “hehe, well how about we just go to the tavern and try to find something there?” Edelle suggested as she tried to make the air calm, as the two agreed.

After finding the local tavern and finishing their meal, hearing some of the gossip among the sea. “Did you hear that Blackbeard defeated whitebeard? The poor bastard got killed and the Gura Gura no mi taking out of him. I though Whitebeard was the strongest pirate in the world, it just turned out he was nothing more than an old man on his last days” A captain said to his crew. “How is that possible captain?” the first mate asked. “Aye, which be a mystery even I couldn’t figure out. But I heard blackbeard was on the run now.” The captain said, as Edelle set her cup down and got up walking to the captain. “What do you want wench? Get me another drink got it?” He told Edelle as he through his cup at Edelle, she grabbed it and crushed it in her grip. “What!” The crew looked in amazement; the captain turned and looked at Edelle. Grabbing him by his shirt collar and slamming against the wall. “What did you say about Whitebeard?” Edelle grow serious and her voices grew lower, a shadow casting over her eyes. “P…..Please, I am just saying what I heard.” The captain kicking about, trying to break free. The crew getting up unsheathing their swords, Andy and Morimura getting up to. “What the hell is she doing now?” Andy tighten his fist and Morimura taking a grip on his Nodachi, as they ran to back up Edelle. “Kill....Kill the wench boys!” The captain ordered, as they charged at her. She left the captain go, as she drop down dodging two blades coming at her from the sides.

The grabbing the two swordsmen legs and dragging them to the ground, as she back flipped up. Landing on the shoulders of another crew member, pushing him into a few others. Landing on her feet, as Andy jumped into the battle. A blade going through him, the crew member in shock to see it just went right through him. Andy grabbed his head and through him into a wall, jumping back and then landing beside Edelle. Morimura, unsheathed his blade and was crossed with two members. Cutting one down and then dealing with the first mate, “Damn kid”. Thrusting his own blade forward, the first mate cut Morimura’s shoulder. However using the back of his blade, knocking out the first mate. He grabbed his shoulder and ran to the two, “Mori you ok?” Andy asked. “Yeah I am fine, but I think we might not be welcomed her anymore.” Morimura said as the three were surrounded by the crew members, “Hire Kokyu!” Edelle shouted, as he formed a fist and firing a ring of fire at the crew. Making a way for themselves, as the three ran for the door. However the sharpshooter loaded his gun and then fired at the three. Andy got in front of the two and using his own powers absorbed the bullets into his void and then put his hands out to fire the bullets back at the sharpshooter, dropping to the ground.

Running out of the tavern, the crew still running after them. Morimura then stopped and put his blade forward, “Kura!” he yelled out, as a black wave came from his blade and then knocked the crew away. Although Morimura suddenly dropped to the ground after that, the wound was worse than he though. “Morimura!” Edelle turned and shouted, Andy quickly grabbed Morimura and put him on his back. Running, “Come on Edelle!” The two ran for it and made it back to the ship. Quickly setting sail, to get out to sea. Setting Morimura on the floor, and then looking at the wound and how deep it was. “It looks bad; do we have any medicine and bandages?” Edelle asked, nodding his head. Andy fixed Morimura up and then let him sleep, as the two went to another room on the ship. Taking rum and a seat, Andy looked at Edelle with a serious stare.

A Lovers Quarrel[]

“What the hell were you thinking?” He asked, as he looked knowing that wasn’t Edelle back there. “No It’s nothing Andy, I am fine heh” She said taking a drink, not fooled by the little act. “Edelle, I have known you for years. I think I should know how you think and since I am always covering to your drunken ass!” Andy slammed his fist on the table, “Well, if you didn’t have such a huge stick up your ass then maybe we wouldn’t be in so much trouble!” Edelle shouted back, as they exchanged more heated words. But then Edelle remembered her dream, she stopped. “What’s wrong?” Andy asked, looking worried.

“There was a dream………they hated me.” Edelle, paused looking down at her cup. “What dream?” Andy asked. “The crew wanted to kill me because I wasn’t there.” Edelle’s depression growing over her like a shadow of a cloud over her. “Edelle talk to me? What crew wanted to kill you?” Slamming his hands down and shouting to get Edelle out of that mode. “ was a dream I had last night. It was before I met you or Mori, pops was in it and Ace. It was a party after we rescued ace from Marineford, but they said that I was the hero who rescued ace. But then out of the blue they turned on me and began to circle me, until this black figure. Stopped them, he proclaimed himself as god and he said something about me, you and Mori being chosen for something. But it just scared to think that even pops would turn on me and what that guy said back at the tavern just through me over the edge.” Edelle getting it off her chest, Andy nodding his head. “I see it, so you’re scared that the whitebeard crew hates you now for leaving? Huh? Even if they do Edelle, I got your back and so does Mori. I mean someone has to baby sit you two heh.” Trying to make Edelle, smile and working.

“But this figure who called himself god? Was it Enel?” Andy asked. “No, this man was different he looked more like a demon than a god. He killed off the crew within seconds, he told me that I was chosen and when the time came I would see him again.” Edelle explained, Andy cross his arms and closing his eyes to think. “One who calls himself god, the one name that reminds me of is that nut job Demetrius D. Xavier. While I was still back as a Marine, we would hear countless threats from him. He claimed he brought Gol D. Roger back from the grave, he said that he had weapons and other creations that he would unleash into the world if we didn’t take his threats. But there is also other stories…….of his devil fruit. The Hakuri Hakuri no Mi, he is said to create other creatures from his body and he also had taken countless civilians and they have never been seen again. After hearing that many started to take him seriously, but after the Ametsumi Island genocide. It woke up the government; he killed all of those people as he claimed that they were being punished. He told them that he was going to let them be a part of god, which seemed like a load of crap. But those islanders were never seen again, so what do I think of Demetrius. I am aware of what he is capable of and nothing more, from what I have seen Demetrius is just another power hungry pirate.” Andy opened his eyes back up and looked at Edelle.

“Demetrius...D....Xavier. Pops talked about him before, saying that he was an anti-yokno. But pops never was really worried about him, unless he attacked one of his sons or daughters.” Edelle nodded agreeing with what Andy said, “Andy…….Edelle! Did you guys say Demetrius……D….Xavier?” Morimura asked coming through the door way holding his shoulder and then took his seat. “Yeah we did, but what do you know about him? You were too young to know what he had done to those people on Amestumi.” Andy said, just thinking that it was just the child in Morimura wanting to know more.

“Well I do know one thing, have you ever heard of The Soul Collector?” Morimura asked. “You mean that wives’ tales that moms say to keep their brats in bed?” Not believing in those old wives tales, Andy gave out a small sigh. “Well that Soul Collector is real and he is said to be one of Demetrius Crew. I seen him with my own eyes, he is a real breathing thing.” Morimura, took a moment after he said this with his head down. “So this soul collector does he have a funny little song hah.” Edelle jokingly said trying to cheer up the mode, “One two he is coming for you hahah.” Edele said as she crawled her figures up Andy’s arm.“Cut the crap ok?” pulling his arm away and staring down Edelle.

Things Do Go Bump in the Night[]

Crash! Was heard coming from the main deck of the ship. “What was that?” Edelle getting serious and listening for the movements. “Someone on the main deck” Andy said pin pointing the source of the sound already, as all three walked from their room. Making their way to the door that lead to the main deck, slowly opening it. They made their way to the main deck, looking around. Edelle was looking around on the back of ship and all that was heard if the seagulls, squawking. The same for Morimura and Andy, as the three regrouped. A shadowy figure was seen standing on the mast of the ship, with its red eye glowing red.

As the three went to the back of the ship, neck to the wheel. The sounds of footsteps could be heard coming from the cargo hold, as the sound of wooden shoes against more wood. Clicking, the three turned around to see a figure holding a lantern as he brought to his to reveal. “Ahhhhhhhh! It’s a Manlady!” Edelle screamed out, to see that Izou was on their ship. But how did he get here? “Get serious Edelle” Izo said as he walked to the three. “Wait Izo how did you get here?” Morimura asked as came from behind the two, looking at him. “I took one of the small boats from the moby dick to try and find you guys. I am sure you heard of what happened to Pops and Ace....”Izo said as he lowered his head, but Edelle did the same. “Well, why are you here Izo?” Andy asked, hurrying things along and nicely. “Edelle, Andy and Morimura. We you guys back on the moby dick, everything is a mess right now. Marco is having a hard time making any choices in what to do; we are constantly on the run from Marine vessel. The Yonko Shanks have been helping us but he needs to get back to his waters. So Edelle we need you guys to join the crew, to help us get back to full strength and try to get Marco to get his head straight.”Izo explained, as he handed Edelle a letter from Marco himself.

After reading, Edelle gave to Andy to read and then to Morimura. “So what should we do? We have to make pops happy and help out Bird-kun. So guys what do you think?” Edelle turned to her guys and looked at their faces. “I want to help the whitebeard pirates and help keep his memory alive!” Morimura was a bit of excitement in his voice, that he gets a chance to join one of the most famous crews in the world. “Edelle it is your choice, do what you think would be and I am fine with that.” Crossing his arms and closing his, taking a deep breath for he already knew that Edelle couldn’t refuse one of her best friends.

The Hawk's Eye Did It Again, the Mystery Unfolds[]

“So then Izo where is the rest of the crew?” Andy asked him. “The rest of the crew is about a day’s sail away to the east.” He replied to Andy, pointing to the east. “So then Izo how long where you on that boat?” Asking him, Edelle offering a room and food for Izo. “Don’t worry I had a lot of food and drink on my dingy, but I would need some rest.” Izo replied, as all agreed walking Izo to the spare bedroom they had. But Andy stayed back as he looked over the side of the ship, to see that there was no dingy there. Looking around both sides he didn’t see anything at all just water. “Hmmm, something isn’t right about this. Izo just showing up out of the blue and no dingy at all. He could have swum here but he would have been wet and tired out from the swim. Not to mention that hypothermia would start to set it, hmmmm” Closing his eyes.

“Andy! Are you coming to bed?” Edelle’s voice came from the doorway leading into the inner rooms of the ship. “I will be coming!” He shouted back, sitting on one of the steps. Putting his hands over his face, trying to piece these things together. “First the dream, then the whole izo thing. But I don’t remember Izo having a devil fruit power, then why was his right eye glowing? I don’t know but something weird is going on, I can believe that the whitebeard crew would want Edelle to return to help out. But, Marco writing a letter to Edelle. Hmmm, he doesn’t seem to be that formal with anyone.” Andy went through all of the events through his head, for about another half-hour until he grew tired and went to his bedroom.

Walking through the hallway, trying to not make a sound. He made his way to his room, changing into a pair of shorts and tank top. Andy lay in his bed, just going through everything that has happened today. Just not making any scene to him, something is wrong about the whole picture. “I don’t know but something is going on. It seems that everything is pointing to “Izo”, could it be Bon Clay? He is the only one, who would fit in with that power, but we don’t have any interaction nor did we make an enemy of him. He seems like the type who doesn’t seem to get angry at many, then just what is going on. This couldn’t be a devil fruit user; there is that Silver from the Skyline pirates who could mess with the senses maybe to the point of illusions. But again, we never had any interaction with the skyline pirates nor did we ever fight them. I know it could be an imposter at the moment, there is one thing and Edelle is naïve enough and loves the whitebeard crew to just welcome who she thought might be her Nakama. We just have to keep on our toes.” Andy said finally going into a sleep.

For about two hours, he slept soundly through the night. Until another disturbance, a hand went on Andy’s leg and shook it. “Andy!” a whisper came from the darkness, “Huh!” He awoke with a bit of a shock to see Morimura. “What the hell are you doin in my room, it’s the middle of the damn night!” He gave a groan laying up and looking at Morimura half asleep. “Andy I have a question.” Mori asked, sitting down at the foot of Andy’s bed. “You woke me up to ask a question? What the hell is the matter with you?” He exclaimed, groaning again. “Andy this may sound weird but, can den den mushi talk to the dead?” Mori asked with a caution in his voice, as Andy gave an annoyed looked. “No, Mori why would you ask me a stupid question like that?” “Because I heard Izo talking to someone he called father, his door was crack. I needed to go ummmmm……do something and then go back to bed. But anyways, I heard him to talking to someone he called father. So I thought he was talking to Whitebeard with the den den mushi he had.” Mori explained, as Andy got a confused expression on his face.

“Den Den mushi can’t talk to the dead Mori, but Izo talking to this “father” only makes all of this even more weird.” Andy laid back, looking up to the ceiling and then he through his blankets off and got up. “Andy where are you going?” Mori followed behind him, as he stomps were heard throughout the ship. “ Izo!” He yelled out, as he stormed through the guest room and seeing a sleeping izo. He grabbed onto him, throwing Izo against the wall. “Who the hell are you! You’re not Izo, so I would just cut the stupid tricks and tell the truth or you wouldn’t want to know what I am going to do!” Andy in a rage now, picking Izo up with ease and Izo was in a state of shock.

“What is wrong with you Andy! How dare you!” The shouting woke Edelle up and as she came out of her room and into the guest room. “What the Hell are you doing!” Edelle’s sleepy eyes become wide, as she came from behind Andy. “Stop it, please let Izo down.” Mori grabbing onto his arm and trying to pull him off of Izo.Then letting Izo go, Edelle going in-between the two. “What the hell is wrong with your Andy Izo is our friend!” Edelle shouted, as the two stared off at each other.

“The boy claims I am not the real Izo.” He said, as Edelle grow angry. “The hell you are, then how did you get here when their wasn’t a dingy anywhere near our ship? Why would Marco sent us a letter when he isn’t that formal? Then who were you talking to on that Den Den mushi? From what Mori said you were talking to someone called father? I doubt it could be whitebeard, because he is dead and you can’t speak to the dead with the Den Den mushi.” Andy throwing out all of the clues that pointed to Izo being an imposter, the Edelle revealed something to. “I had the thought from the very begin, Izo would have gotten a laugh whenever I said Ahhh it’s a manlady. But all you did was say stop it or whatever. Right there is where I knew you were an Imposter, so then who are you?” Edelle revealed as the mystery was start to unfold. Even thought she may not be the smartest pirate, she knows every one of her Nakama.

“Heh well then” Izo jumping back and literally pulling off his face as if it was tissue paper. Reveal that it was a person with bandages warped the head. It was Ivory transformed as Izo and had purposely did these things to get the members suspect something. “You fools, you have been chosen by god and now prepare for your test!” as ivory seemed to have disappeared in the darkness, and the three looking at each other. “What was that freak talking about a test?” Andy asked the other two, Edelle had grown worried now.

God's Test has arrived? What Does the Fates Have in Store for Us? []

Her worries were soon fulfilled, the sun beginning to arise over the sea and reflecting off of it. Of the right side of the ship, a giant castle like ship was seen coming up rapidly into the distance. Growing rapidly and coming in fast, it was the Mother Hakuri almost 100 times the size of their newgate legacy’s. “Edelle! Andy!” Morimura called out as he seen the massive mother Hakuri coming into the distance, from the guest room window. The Two Turn and looking at what is just coming, “Edelle what are we going to do, that’s one of the biggest ships if the world. Second to that of the thriller back?” Shouting and pushing on Edelle, waiting for a chose. “Andy……I…..I don’t know what to do. They have a big ship and they might have over 1,000 member’s vs. us 3.” Can’t get any words, just look in awe at that size of the Mother Hakuri. The three ran into their own rooms grabbing their weapons and then running to the deck ready for battle.

Meanwhile on the Mother Hakuri, Demetrius was seen sitting in his throne. Missy on the arm rest and her arms wrapped around his right arm. Resting his left arm on the other rest, watching as the new gate legacy draws closer. Yoshi sitting on his knees at Demetrius feet, with Tousen standing by his father and Stephen on his left. The rest of the division commanders and their members, then the subordinates and goblin minions. All standing in the courtyard of the mother Hakuri. Awaiting for the attack, “My children! Tonight is the night! We begin our attack on the seas and the world. We will be welcoming another ally, but first we must test them. So amen I say to you, Shall we let them join the heavens or sent them to hell like so many others before them?” Demetrius exclaimed, pointing his fingers up to the sky and the rising sun.

“Glory and Praise is to god! Haaaaa!” The Crew shouted, in excitement just to lay waste to another crew. “Let them join our ranks! The adopted daughter of Edward newgate is the captain of the ship.” Said Benedict. “Yes to have an ally with a name like that would enforce our power and she will lead us to the Whitebeards and then we could reveal at who we “resurrected” from the dead” The Star Reader interjected as well. “Hehehe, it would be nice to have more girls around here hehehe.” Olivia cheering at the thought, as she stood beside Braddock. “So then my children, we shall welcome them. But first destroy all of their worldly possessions, so destroy everything that holds them to this world. Mother Eve! Take us to the ship!” Demetrius shouting into the mother Hakuri as it seemed to have speed up and was ready to crash into the newgate legacy.

“ALL HAIL TO LORD DEMETRIUS!” They shouted, as they drew their weapons and were ready for what was about to come. “No…..No……its worse than I fear” Edelle knew they were defeated before t even started, Andy knowing that Edelle had lost hope. So taking control, “Come on you two fight to the end understand me?” as Morimura unsheathed his nodachi and Edelle her bisento. “Ok then let’s do this one for pops and ace. “ Edelle and the three ready, as the first canon fire was shot from the mother Hakuri. “It’s coming!” Morimura shouted, as Andy jumped into the air turning into the void. He took the canon ball into his body and then fired it back at the mother Hakuri. Then more canon fire came, but the same result came the canon fire went right back at the mother Hakuri. Hitting one of the towers and destroying and hitting more of the towers.

“Captain our towers are falling, what’s your order?” Some of the crew members asked, as Demetrius ordered the fire to stop. “Now, children prepare to attack, do as you wish but leave the three within inches of their lives. Now! All divisions charge and crush those who stand in heavens way.” Demetrius shouted, as he pointed and the mother Hakuri came right up to the newgate legacy. Crashing into it and lowering ramps to get onto the ship. As ropes and hooks came flying out and attaching themselves to the rails of the ship, to make sure the ships not to detach from each other. The first of the crews began to get onto the newgate legacy, Elder shu, Inari and Inamori came from the back of the ship. Aaron, Braddock, Olivia and Lady Amarathna came from the front of the ship. Maximus, Bijou 2.0, Dr.Nanbu and Gremlin with his goblins came from the right of the ship. As tousen gave the order, for all to Attack. The crew members went into battle, Andy taking on the likes of Braddock and the others. Edelle taking Maximus, Bijou 2.0 and Dr. Nanbu and Morimura taking elder shu, inari and inamori.

“Hey hope you’re up for a fight heh.” Inari said as he summoned a lightning bolt shaped projectile to his hands and began to fight with Morimura. Elder shu coming from behind and with his blade, managed to cut the back of Morimura. “Ahhhh” as he turned and getting Elder shu to jump back. Inari however through his projectile at Morimura, but managed to dodge it and they landing into the mast of the ship. “Hey you’re good and you can only be a few years older than me hah” Inari spirits high up now and he went back to battle with Morimura.

“Rahhhhh!” Braddock yelled out as he slammed his halberd into the deck of the ship; as Andy managed dodge it at the last minute. “Well, if it isn’t Braddock the world’s greatest maverick huh? “ Andy asked, as he formed a fist and punched Braddock in the side of the mouth. But right after Olivia in her chimera form, swung her Kanabo into the Andy and since it was made from seatone he took the damage. “Hehehe come one what’s wrong! You that weak?” Olivia’s voice boasted as she laughed, as incense smoked started to fill the air around them. “What now?” Andy got back up and did recognize what it was, so opening his void he sucked all of the smoke up. “You have to try better than that Amarantha.” He said as he found out where she was and then turned throwing a pair of daggers at her in the shadows. But Amarathna caught them with her own incense smoke and the dropped to the ground.

Edelle took care of the scrap metal, she in combat with Nanbu, Bijou 2.0 and Maximus. Edelle dealing with Maximus pushing him off of her and Bijou 2.0 gave an energy kiss firing it at Edelle. Focusing the flames into her fist she easily broke the energy blast and then pushed Bijou away. The Doctor however, took his gloves off and grabbed onto both Edelle and her bisento with the same pole now. Edelle and her Bisento spilt apart from each other. “Now what woman? Your weapon is gone and you’re outnumbered.” Nanbu boasted as he laughed, Edelle however grew angry and began to transform. Her muscle getting bigger and she growing a bit taller. She went into a full fudo myoo model, she grabbed onto Nanbu and through him. However he changed his polarity to make him land on the ground. “What?” Edelle is shock at what happened. “This is the power of the Hara Hara no Mi”. He boasted, as Maki came behind Edelle using the Jabirus techniques to give an extremely powerful palm slam and it forced Edelle to go back into a human form. She fell down knocked out as Maki picked her up, then as the other two fell from the power of the crew. Mostly because of the numbers of the crew.

You Call This A Humble Audience With God? What Would Pops Do?[]

As they were put into sea stone chains and they were brought before Demetrius. The three looked in shock to see his new form, “No… can’t be Demetrius. You don’t look like him. What the hell are you!” Andy speechless, trying to get the words out of his mouth. “Hahira, you fool this is my new body thanks to the sinners of Ametsumi Island. I have now gotten the body I wished for, gaze your eyes onto god. You humans have been chosen by me and will you come unto me?” Demetrius asked as he arose from his throne and walked to the three. Giving the order to release them, as they were released and they knew they were outnumbered so they listened to what he had to say. However, most of the crew surrounded them. The one that stood out was a man in white; with a mask covering his face and he recognized Morimura. “My hello there young man, you have come back to me haven’t you Jaihahaha.” Geake looking at Morimura with a strange lustful look, Morimura clearly knew that man was the soul collector. “Back…..away.” Morimura said pausing with fear, seeing this Andy pushed Morimura behind him. “Stay away from him you pedo freak.” He shouted, as Gekai just laughed out. “My deepest apologies master Hawk, I must remember my manners. Jaiha” Gekai said, as Demetrius stepped forward to Andy standing over him. “So then you’re Hawk D. Andy. The void, your name really does fit you. An emotionless man most of the time right?” Demetrius told his observations about him and then he turned to Edelle.

“You are the famous adopted daughter of Whitebeard? Then I do take it that he has told you about me, well I tell you. God has compassion to those who wish it. “Demetrius said, as Edelle with an angry expression told him. “What the hell do you want from us?” She said spitting in his face, Demetrius did nothing. “You see I shall offer you this become an ally and you shall be free, your ship repaired. You shall never run out of money, food or drink. But in exchange for this you are to become an ally of mine and when I call on you. Of course I offer one last thing to young Morimura.” Demetrius snapped his fingers as Yoshi held a box and walked to the young Morimura. “Young Morimura, in exchange for an alliances lord Demetrius offers this to you as a reward if you agree.” Yoshi proclaimed as he opened the box and in the box was a devil fruit. Morimura’s eyes opened wide and almost a bit of shock as well, speechless at first but then finding the right words. “This fruit is for me?” He asked, “Yes it is you’re if you agree of course.” Demetrius said as snapped his fingers and yoshi closed the box and walked back to his master.

“You see I am not an evil man Edelle, I take in many pirates and others like. Much like your own pops, so I tell you this. Would you really go back to the Whitebeard crew, after you weren’t there for the Marineford events? Do you wish to be blamed for their deaths?” Demetrius said. “No, why should I join you! Pops is better than you even if he has left this world. You attacked us, so why even speak to you for that.” Edelle growing angry stepping forward and pointed to Demetrius.

“Hahaha, you were told in your dream that you would be tested by god. You had passed my Test, I have chosen you Edelle Newgate for your skills and spirit that your pops had passed down to you. Hawk D. Andy you were able to see through the tricks of Ivory and young Morimura, you are the most special of all. You might have not had a devil fruit like your other friends, but you had shown the world that you have the skills to become great swordsmen in the next generation. So then you three had come together and fought your best against the warriors I had picked for you. You had lost but, it only proved how strong you are. Now I praise for this reason, each of you want to find and kill the blackbear pirates right?” Demetrius asked, as the three’s eyes opened wide.

“How did you know we were after Blackbeard and his crew?” Edelle stomping her foot on the ground and Demetrius laughed saying. “I am god I know all, hear all, see all and I am all!” Andy getting annoyed of what was going one, he rushed at Demetrius with his knuckles in hand. However, Takashi appeared in between them and was clashing with Andy. “My my, aren’t you a sexy thing?” Takashi said as he licked his lips and creped Andy out. “How about you just take off that top for me will you and then I can begin huh?” Takashi continued, as Andy pushed Takashi’s sword away. “Shut it you freak.” Yelling out and Edelle and Morimura grabbed onto him, pulling him back. “Any if we fight we are going to be killed, we need to try and get out of this alive. Even if we must become allies with him, but he does seem to be a man who you can agree with to an extent. Offering us to have unlimited riches and food, never to worry about pirate attacks. We are under his protectorate if we agree and it seems there are more benefits than cons to this deal. He can help deal with blackbeard and when we kill him, we can leave his alliances and go back the whitebeard crew. “ Edelle told them to as she started to think of her Nakama’s live, having no other chose but to accept it. “Not mention I get a Devil Fruit out of the whole deal to, come on Edelle we want to live and we are going to be golden if we ally with him. His crew seems strong enough to handle themselves, so he might not even call on us. It’s a once in a life time deal Take it Edelle.” Morimura, said to her. “Edelle, we have to think of our safety even if we need to side with him for now. I think it would be best to do it but let me do some negotiations to make sure that we are insured safety. “Agreed” Andy and Morimura nodded, as then did look at Demetrius with a disappointed face.

Even in the Most Darkness of Places the Oddest Light Shince Through[]

“Demetrius, I take an alliance with you. But I want no harm to come onto me or my crew understand? Then I will accept it.” Edelle and the others lowered their heads in shame, to be forced to become part of this devil’s allies. However, the crew oddly enough cheered for this and Demetrius raised his hands proclaim. “Edelle Newgate, Hawk D. Andy and Morimura. You three have been chosen by god and now you are welcomed into my kingdom. Now you shall feast, drink and dance for your welcome. But for now your ship shall be taken into the Mother hakuri’s port and you shall remain here until your ship has been fixed.” Demetrius said as he, Missy, Takashi and Tousen went back to the captain’s quarters. Demetrius Instructed Yoshi to wait on the three and do whatever they ask. “Yes Lord Demetrius, I shall treat them as if they were guest in my own home.” Yoshi said as he walked to the three, then most of the crew leaving to do whatever on the Mother Hakuri.

“Captain Edelle, Master Andy and Young Morimura. I am here to help your stay at least go by a bit better, now please following me I shall show you to your chambers.” Yoshi said as he led the three down a hallway, as they walked through the dark hallways lit by candle lights. They found it extremely uncomfortable well mostly because they are in their own pajamas, Edelle missing her own boots and her jacket, along with her Bisento. Andy still in his shirt and shorts, Morimura still in hi outfit just barefoot. “This place is creepy and cold.” Edelle complained as usual, as Andy looked back at her. “Yoshi was it? Tell me why have we been chosen by “god” to become part of his allies?” Andy looking down on the short old man, as Yoshi looked at him with one of the most humble eyes he has ever seen. “You see I serve god as his personal attendant and I do as he asks, you ask me why I do such a thing? Well to be blunt with you I see him as a worth leader and captain, also my family has been close friends with the Xavier family. So that is why I served him, but I do apologize for many of the crew’s roughness. The lord wishes for them to create chaos and be at their top condition. We are here.” Yoshi said as he stopped at the end of the hallway, which held three doors, one of the left and two on the right.

“Captain Edelle, your room is her on the left. Masters Andy and Morimura, our rooms are to the right. I hope that I have prepared to the best of your expectations. Ahh Yes also young Master Morimura, your fruit is awaiting you as well. If you wish to come with me.” Yoshi said opening the doors to the rooms; however when he came to Morimura he asked him and Morimura did seem to get a bit happier. But sadly Andy go in front of Morimura and loomed over Yoshi. “He isn’t going with you, with these many freaks running around on this ship he will stay right here.” Andy’s anger inflamed, as he looked down on Yoshi, he having a calm expression. “I assure you, Master Andy that you are now under an alliance so in turn none of the crew members shall harm any of you or they would fell the wrath of Lord Demetrius. As my lord has told me that you all have full access to the ship, you may go around exploring it if you wish.” Yoshi putting his hands behind his back and nodded.

“Hey Moshi or whatever they call you, do you have another cloths?” Edelle asked gave out a sneeze. “There are cloths in your rooms; however, I am not sure if you would like them to your own personal styles. But I assure you, I shall personally make sure to see that many of your belongs shall be recovered from your ship and brought to your rooms. In the mean time please go about your own selves and make yourselves at home. Now I have other things to attendant to, so please if you wish you may explore or do as you please.” Yoshi turning and then leaving, however he had been tugged on. “Yoshi, may you show me to my devil fruit?” Morimura asked the man, as he nodded. “Yes you morimura I will be happy to show you. The fruit has been locked up my in quarters and when you wanted it I was to give it to you.” However, Andy seemed to get in-between them again. “He isn’t going anywhere with you nor does he need one of those damn devil fruits.” Andy speaking as if he was Morimura’s father, Morimura on the other hand was anger. “WHY! Why can’t I have a devil fruit! It was part of the deal and I finally have a chance for me to become stronger.” Shouting as his blood began to boil, Yoshi seemed confused. “You don’t want a devil fruit it is a curse not a blessing!” shouting back at Morimura, Andy pushing Yoshi out of the way.

Leaving to do his other and letting them fight, Yoshi went to his own chamber and kept the fruit under lock and key. Meanwhile back with the three, exchange heated words and just the sound of a shutting door and a groan from Andy. As he went into his room sitting on the bed and putting his hands over his face. “Damn kid, he’s too stubborn.” He sighed and just laid down on the bed thinking about all that had happened. Edelle heard the two fighting, she just stayed in her room letting things cool down and the grief she had in her heart for what she had done. She had no other choice, to accept the alliance or have something else happen to them. Loving her Nakama to much, she was more than willing to bare a cross for her crew. But she felt sorry for Andy the most, he doesn’t seem to be happy about his. She thought to herself knowing he was disappointed in her, but she will put her own life out on the line for those two she calls a Nakama. Morimura just angry looking out the window he had and looked around his room. As the Newgate crew had been trapped by the hospitality of Demetrius D. Xavier, they only waited to see what was going to unfold for them. The first of many allies have started to be drawn in the nets of God and over drawing closer to Jousai down and what Demetrius is after.
