One Piece: Ship of fools Wiki
THE CAKE IS MINE! (and so is the page)
Japanese Name: 分画
Romanized Name: Bunkaku
English Name: Split Picture
Literal Meaning: Fraction
Owner(s): Liryanna D. Eleanor
Weapon type: Sword
First Appearance: Fanon

Bunkaku is a Meito

-grade sword. The sword is currently in the possession of Liryanna D. Eleanor, but it is unknown how she obtained the sword. It is her second Meito and she uses it in conjunction with Hirazakura. While the sword is not as strong as a higher-level one, the smart use of its full potential leads Liryanna to be able to fight on par with some of the strongest swordsmen.




Bunkaku's ability.

Bunkaku allows Liryanna to split anything into a grid-like pattern, without the need of drawing it. The simple slice of a rock makes it instantly turn into several small cubes. The ability, however, does not work in humans, and, instead, it just works as a powerful but regular sword.

The true capability of Bunkaku is its ability to join powers with Hirazakura. Combining Hirazakura's spiritualism abilities and Bunkaku's splitting techniques, Liryanna is capable of creating extensions of her blade made out of raw spirit energy and split them into several pink energy blades. To this method of fighting, she called Senkenryu (閃剣流 Senkenryū?, literally meaning "Flair Blade Style").


  • "Bunkaku", in its common translation means "fraction", but the sword's name comes from the literal translation, meaning "Branch/Split Image/Picture".