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Ezu Ezu no Mi
Japanese Name: Ezu Ezu no Mi
English Name: Drawing Drawing Fruit
Meaning: Drawing
Type: Paramecia
Eaten by: Art Waza


The Ezu Ezu no Mi is a paramecia type devil fruit that allows the user to turn into drawings and be able to take drawn things into existance.


The Ezu Ezu no Mi looks like a grey coconut with brightly coloured rainbow swirls.


The user is able to turn themselves into art to dodge attacks and to bring drawn things into existance,


One of the main strengths of the Ezu Ezu no Mi is the ability to turn themselves into art, whether it be on paper, chalk art on the ground, street art/graffiti or if skilled enough, into musical sounds. While transformed, the user's look will change according to the medium he is transformed into. If on paper he'll gain a sketchy form reminisinct of pencil drawings, he'll take a more colourful and bold look as graffiti etc.

The ways the user can use the Ezu Ezu no Mi is not limited to escape though. As discovered by Art Waza, the user of the Ezu Ezu no Mi is able to bring drawn things into existance. For example, if the user went onto a piece of paper where a sword was drawn, he would be able to bring the sword back with him when he returned to existance and be able to use it. However this power is limited to non-living objects only


The eater suffers from the standard devil fruit weaknesses, as well as some unique to the Ezu Ezu no Mi. The user must be in contact with a medium to be able to transform, so if the user is in the air, their power is useless. As mentioned earlier, skilled users of the Ezu Ezu no Mi will be able to transform themselves into musical sounds. However, as sound travels fast, the user must quickly return to existance, lest they risk being torn apart, which has resulted in the deaths of previous users.

Additionally if the user is transformed, if anything happens to their transformed self (for example if they were drawn on a page and the page was cut in half) the user would immediatly be returned to existance, without taking damage though. This weakness also applies to items brought from drawings. When a drawn item is taken into exsistance, they will still be in their drawn form as well. If their drawn form is damaged, then the item will disappear immediantly.



  • I originally wanted to make a fruit that grants Artistic Creation, but I decided against that and decided to make it different then what one would expect.
  • The user can also transform into statues, however this aspect of the power has been deemed useless by the user of the fruit.

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