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Tentoryu (literally Heaven-Sword-Style) is a swordfighting style develloped by the Shandian Exiles. It expands upon the air manipulation principles of their Martial art, using a sword rather than bare hands. As a result, it results in a great mutlitude of attacks based around compressed air or vacumes. John Jango de Triezieme is one of the best known practicioners of this style.

Itoryu attacks[]

Most of these techniques are performed by John using the Kiri-Nodachi. Strangely, they are usually performed holding the sword backhanded.

  • Suzume Hanasu: ( literally: Sparrow Divide) A focused, simple looking slash. Anything struck by it is divided in two, irespective of the actual reach of the sword or the size of the object. How this technique functions is not currently known. He has also performed other slashing attacks that have the same effect.
  • Unknown 1: John performs a quick diagonal two handed slash, after which the target bursts into flames. This attack is almost identicle to Zoro's Itoryu techniqe Hiryu:Haen.
  • unknown 2: John Rushes towards the opponent at speed, seemingly preparing a strike, but instead feints and performs a spiralling flourish around the opponent. shortly afterwards a vortex of air forms and causes an implosion.
  • Dai Karasu: (meaning Great Crow) John burries the edge of the end of his nodachi in the ground, and then quickly swings it forwards, causing a number of small shockwaves to pass allong the ground, cutting it. While seemingly harmless at first, the shockwaves "erupt" uppon passing under an object, causing a huge burst of explosions and debris to blow upwards.
  • Tsuru Yari: (Crane spear) A thrust which generates a corkscrew-like wind blade that pierces through objects in a spiralling pattern.
  • Assai Gaichou: (Crushing injurus bird) Jango quickly spins on the spot, and drags his sword in a crescent pattern along the ground , before perfoming a twirling rising slash across the crescent. This propels a huge chain of ground erruptions towards his target.
  • Unknown 3: Jango spins his sword quickly in front of him, and then swings it diagonally, propelling a huge circular shockwave that knocks back everything in it's radius. This shockwave is apparently powerful enough to pierce stone.

Nitoryu attacks[]

  • Morigan: Jango flips and performs a double crosswise swing at an angle to the ground, propelling a ripple through it. as soon as anything touches the ripple, it detonates, throwing huge spears of compressed air upwards, and generally reducing anything caught by it to rubble. Morigan was celtic goddess of Crows, indicating that this is a more powerful version of Dai Karasu. Notably, the sword required for this technique, Calladbolg, also refferences Celtic mythology.