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This article, The Jolly Express, is property of Wyvern 0m3g4.

The Jolly Express
Placeholder other
Japanese Name: ジョリーエクスプレス
Romanized Name: Jorī Ekusupuresu
English Name: The Jolly Express
Affiliations: The Jolly Pirates
First Appearance: ???

The Jolly Express (ジョリーエクスプレス Jorī Ekusupuresu) is the personal miniature sea train under the possession of Jolly D. Chris. Built by Timber upon request, The Jolly Express was kept within The Jolly Holiday for safe keeping. It was revealed after the time skip that after upgrading The Jolly Holiday into The Jolly MK II, The Jolly Express was moved into The Jolly MK II for Chris' use in the New World.




Unlike other sea trains, The Jolly Express was designed to run on Chris' Logia powers instead of steam; much like Smoker's Billower Bike or Ace's Striker. This is done by fueling and lubricating the engine with Chris' clay, as produced naturally from his own body. Thus as a result, Chris is the only member of his crew who can properly use The Jolly Express at all. As a sea train, it can run on the surface of the ocean and other bodies of water if need be. Likewise, Chris has used The Jolly Express to travel on land as well. The train's speed can be manipulated through the amount of force exerted from Chris' body, via liquefied clay propulsion from the train's rear. Through this method, Chris can accelerate The Jolly Express; and inversely, by stopping the production of clay altogether, Chris can either slow down the vehicle or bring it to a halt completely.

While mainly intended to help Chris cross bodies of water without the risk of drowning, Chris has sometimes used the sturdy quality of the train's design to ram it through various obstacles and foes alike. As shown through Timber's shock, this was not a feature he had planned on incorporating into The Jolly Express, but rather, a byproduct of Chris' inventive imagination and resourcefulness.


  • While The Jolly Express was indeed created by Wyvern 0m3g4 as a sea train with Timber in mind, another factor in its development was that of Wyvern's own younger brother. Due to his brother's fascination with trains, Wyvern decided to create The Jolly Express in honor of his brother, who Wyvern cares for very much.

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