One Piece: Ship of fools Wiki
The proposal has been officially cancelled.

Greetings fools and fools, I've come here today to Propose a revolution. For us to overthrow the established order and rebel.

This is merely a proposal and all of you are absolutely free to lay in the comments a vote that says you are against this project.

For those of you willing to accept change and still have problems with the project you can post your problems so we can address them and make the project even better.

Anyone entirely on board can just yell "yeah" or any variation of it until your lungs colapse and your fingers can no longer type.



The Canon Alteration Project:


  • Rework of the 21 most important characters
    • Establishment of community characters.
  • Alteration of canon events
    • Deletion of all canon events post Marineford War.
    • Keeping canon mostly "intact" pre marineford war.
  • Deletion of the Straw Hat's existence or alteration of it.
    • Retconing the Straw Hat's changes and influences to other forces and entities.
    • Explaining why they become a non factor after the war.
  • Establishment of the Canon Committee which purpose is to solve problems related to the new canon.

Canon Rewriting[]

The most controversial of the topics of discussion that will arise, and also the most fundamental of the changes.

What I propose is a complete deletion of all Canon after the Battle of Marineford, and the continuous existence of all Canon before it. What this entails is that everything that occurs after the Battle of Marineford now falls under the jusridiction of the entire community, and everything that happened before it remains constant even if the characters that participated in the events may not.

As such, everything that occurred before the Battle of Marineford will always hold as an absolute truth in the stories we create, but the details of "who did what" no longer matter, and if it does matter who did it, then it falls upon the Canon Committee to solve the issue ideally by the means of a community character.

Problems and Solutions[]

This change shouldn't bring about many problems, as everything that held truth before the timeskip should still hold true. Events that require certain characters to participate in would then be solved by the reworking of the characters in question.

Any such problems that arise from this project should be sent to the new Canon committee.


The pros of the "Canon Rewriting" are as follows:

  • It allows us as creators more freedom in all of our works.
  • It stops the problem of constant Devil Fruit and or Character deletion because of Oda revealing new devil fruits and characters which may conflict with our own.


The events that have happened before the start of the series may or may not be altered ever so slightly to fit the community's needs. These matters however may need their own special blog to be addressed in.

Character Rework[]

One of the most crucial parts of this project would be the rework of the most important figures in the One Piece Government: The Gorosei (5), The Admirals (3), The Fleet Admiral (1), The Commander-in-Chief (1), The Yonko (4) and the Shichibukai (7), which totals to twenty-one new characters to be reworked.

These reworks would be carried out by users voted upon by the community and be bestowed upon the category of a "Community Character". This makes them characters that can be altered by the Community to serve the needs of specific users and stories. These changes should also be only added if a majority of the Community agrees to them.

The users who had the task of reworking these characters keep no rights over the character once their rework is deemed complete.

Reworked characters don't need to necessarily be different from their official counterparts. They can be different by even insignificant things, such as having siblings that don't play any part in the main story.

Problems and Solutioms[]

Because the characters would be reworked entirely, the specific problems that would arise between user created characters and their interactions with the now nonexistent characters would have to be solved by a simple name change, or a more in depth solution.

This would constitute the bulk of the work for the new Canon Committee, who would exist to help sort out these new conflicts.


The Pros of the "Character Rework" are as follows:

  • By establishing the most important figures of the world of One Piece as community character, we enable everyone to be able to interact with them without breaking canon.
  • It also enables every user to further interact with the works of the other users by all playing a part in the creation of the most important characters.

Deletion of the Straw Hats[]

Quite simply I propose we eliminate the Straw Hats from history, and simply make all their actions be the consequence of other forces and entities and not a random crew protected by plot armor.


We can also rework the straw hats as we would do with all the rest, and then establish a reason why they become a non factor after the war. the specifics of this I do not yet now, but I encourage anyone that wants to keep them alive to propose events and reasons.


Basically none.


Impossible to measure freedom.

Canon Committee[]

As it should be clear by now, the existence of a new committee would be necessary to move this project forward. The job of this Committee as explained before, would be to solve all the problems that the project would create and even alter the project accordingly.

It would also be the new committee's job to establish rules to better help the community, rules that would directly be related to the project of course.

Such rules would include so far:

  • Liberation of devil fruits revealed post time skip back to the community.
    • This should be addressed in a future blog.
    • This will not include fruits that belong to the 21 characters mentioned above, or the Straw Hats.
    • Neither fruits whose powers have been used pre ts but not properly revealed until after the time skip.
    • Fruits that were deleted because of post time skip canon can be recreated. The original creators automatically have dibs on them, unless they no longer want them.


This project was created to address a large number of problems that the wikia has and has never been able to address properly.

I do not mean to offend or have anyone leave the wikia with this proposal, my only intention was to help people who feel too constricted by canon, and sort out injustices that the canon has caused.

Thanks for your attention, all comments are appreciated, especially those that can help the project's flaws and holes.

  MJ  AHEM what do you want?     (UTC)
